Hey there guys. Im making another game soon to be finished called Temple of Karnak. I wont give you more info cause i rox :P... but it will have 50 levels (40 levels finished for now!) 3 bosses and awesome gameplay. I can guarantee you it will pwnz.
Also, iPumpkin release is now 31th October ( YES, HALLOWEEN DAY!) For a halloween day game ;P... Like the prequel, Pumpkin collector, released that day.
Well, thats all for now guys,
cya later :P
we have ham on thanksgiving
what do ya eat in argentinaland? guinea pigs?
Lawl... for some reason, everybody thinks Argentina is an incivilized country or something like that... while the main city of Buenos Aires can be compared with New York...
We eat cow, we have ham, and we export 15% of what we produce... we were a 1st world country some years ago until our inflation ;)
Anyways, have a great thanksgiving tomorrow! i wont... i have to go to school >_<